By: Admin

On behalf of the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the German “Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau” (KfW), ECO Consult is supporting the implementation of the “Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change Project II/III” (BACCP II/III) in western areas of Mongolia. The objective of the Project is to contribute to the effective and sustainable management of prioritized areas of the Mongolian Protected Areas while at the same time promoting sustainable, alternative livelihoods among local communities.

For our office in the Khovd Aimag center, we are looking for a second Deputy Chief Technical Advisor/Livelihood Development Specialist to support the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in the design, planning, implementation and monitoring of livelihood improvement measures mainly in the western region of Mongolia.

The assignment includes the following main tasks:

  • Direct and supervise the consultant team in Khovd including facilitation and coordination of ongoing short-term expert sorties. Closely coordinate and cooperate with branch office of the Project Implementation Unit in Khovd and the BACCP team in Ulaanbaatar.
  • Assess existing livelihood practices in the target sites by taking into account future climate change scenarios (including livelihood support provided by other agencies and institutions).
  • From local and national good practices and in cooperation with relevant partners, identify suitable livelihood improvement measures that can be supported by BACCP.
  • Identify eligible target groups and design suitable livelihood activities based on priorities identified though need assessments, in accordance with the ESM framework and in exchange with other partners.
  • Facilitate and support the planning process and implementation of livelihood activities and investments in Project areas.
  • Support the Project team in the integration of ESMF into the planning, implementation and monitoring of livelihood improvement measures.
  • Establish working relationships with Aimag sector administrations, other related projects or initiatives, research and civil-society organizations and the private sector across Mongolia’s western region and facilitate dialogues about local livelihood development and possible partnership agreements.
  • Advise CMCs, Buffer Zone Councils and user groups (herders, FUGs etc.) in development and implementation of small projects on sustainable or alternative livelihood approaches.
  • Advise local stakeholders on Aimag and Soum level in applying climate smart NRM approaches and employment/income generating measures.
  • Contribute to and provide inputs for annual work plans, project reports, baseline studies, monitoring concepts and implementation / data collection, and sharing of lessons learned.
  • Provide technical assistance and conflict-sensitive capacity building to target groups, implementing partners, and other stakeholders.

Duration: The assignment period is from 15 November 2021 to 28 February 2027 (63 months and 13 days), with the first six (6) months agreed as a probationary period.

Required Qualifications:

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in economics, sociology, anthropology, natural resource management, or related fields.
  • At least 5 years in a managerial and/or coordinating function.
  • Minimum 10 years’ experience designing and implementing community level livelihood activities.
  • At least 5 years of experience in social and/or environmental projects.
  • Previous experience with contextual adaptation/practical application of social safeguards will be an asset.
  • Excellent communication, facilitation and training skills.
  • Experience in working in international projects.
  • Ability to work in a team and good interpersonal skills.
  • Demonstrated organizational skills.
  • Excellent written and spoken command of English.
  • Good computer applications skills.
  • Ability to work under time pressure and meet deadlines.
  • Willing to do duty travels in the western region of Mongolia.

The Mongolian specialist will be part of a consultant team of 7 national and international experts.

How to apply and deadline for application:

Please submit

  • a cover letter confirming interest and availability,
  • your curriculum vitae indicating your experience from similar work and projects,
  • and copies of (university) diplomas and certificates and at least three (3) professional references,

via e-mail to

The closing date for your submission is Friday, 5 November 2021. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.


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